sub title

Erin Alice. College Graduate. Figuring it all out.

Friday, August 24, 2012


If you haven't thrown snowballs, arm wrestled, argued over the rules to a drinking game, or had a dance party {just the two of you}, you haven't lived. Thats whats out there and that we should all be able to find.

~gone fishing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Slight Obsession...

With Minnetonka double fringe boots. Need. Them. Now. {Apologies for the low quality photo, attempting to blog from my iPhone for the first time}

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Musical Happiness

Recently, I've rediscovered my love for and infatuation with The Shins. Some of the absolute best times this summer have revolved around this band: Dancing in the sun with free beer at Lollapalooza, a dance party at 3 am with my sister and some new friends, and starting to paint again.

I love when a song can provoke a memory, either good or bad. It can be a reminder or a past love, a horrible fight, or trying to teach your older sister's rather uncoordinated friend a new dance move. Love, loss, and hilarity.


The Shins, "Simple Song" 
(Does this video remind anyone else of The Royal Tenembaums?)

x. alice

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


After thinking about my last post {and looking through the photos on my phone} I realized that my strong opinionated statement on taking pictures of food was just a little bit hypocritical. And by just a little bit... I mean completely. Food is pretty. It tastes good. It makes people happy. Especially when served with wine.

Snap away, shutterbugs, snap away.

picnic edition food porn. ahem, picnic porn?

sad truth.

This cartoon is an incredibly accurate description of what my peers think is "food porn". News flash to anyone that has Instagram on their iPhones, we are not all professional photographers. Some things you eat do NOT need to be documented for all of your friends to see.

Acceptable food shots: incredibly pretty food/table arrangements, extremely strange food, or if you're just proud of the fact that you somehow managed to make something edible for once in your life and want to prove it to your Mom.

nom nom nom. alice.

Monday, August 13, 2012

New Obsession

My obsession with daily lifestyle/fashion/DIY blogs is reaching a boiling point. I might actually begin to put together real outfits and projects to post about, rather than complaining about how bored I am.

Today I attempted a DIY necklace I found on Honestly...WTF. I really like this blog, lots of interesting ideas that have inspired a long list of projects I'm really excited to try and alter to my own aesthetic and abilities.

Here is her version:

Here is my necklace:

I decided to use two strands of leather string and a long gold chain, all found at Hobby Lobby. If you like this version, simply tie the two colored strands around the hook of the chain, and braid the three together, tying the strands together at the other end. Not quite as high fashion looking as the bracelet that inspired it, but I tried. 

Maybe my next post will be an outfit picture? Depends on whether or not I can teach my 10 year old brother to take a non-blurry shot. 

x. alice

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Wow, haven't posted in over a month. I would say sorry, but I'm 99.9% sure only one or two people actually know this blog exists.... so whatever. 

Life has been pretty much at a standstill here, besides a few very fun weekends and very frustrating job developments. Still no career. Still nannying {the kids just got 3 guinea pigs, oh sweet joy}. Still do not own a pair of lilac colored cropped skinny jeans. This last update might just be the most troubling to me. 

I have decided 3 things though:

1. While I will continue to apply for real, big girl jobs, I will also start applying for others. This means I'm coming for you Anthropologie. I promise to be a hard worker and spend all of my paychecks on your stock. {I need sweaters and cash}. 

2. Lollapalooza kicked my arse. It has been one week. I am still recovering. 

3. I will be healthier. I will take my dog on 3 mile walk/runs until we both are about to pass out and one day soon, we will hopefully not look as pathetic doing so. Pencil skirts will one day be my friend, not my nemesis.

So the "Instaroundup" the title of this post promised shall commence.... right meow.

x alice.